
Research Article

Effect of Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) Infestation on the Growth Parameters of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) in Kebbi State, Nigeria

Mustapha Abubakar*, Sanusi Muhammad, Bhupendra Koul, Anas Hamisu and Danladi Garba Hani

Published: 02 April, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 029-037

Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) are aggressive hemipteran species that depend primarily on leaf tissue for their nourishment, causing substantial damages and yield losses in their hosts. This study was carried out to assess the effect of whitefly infestation on the growth parameters of one of the commercial eggplant cultivars (round green  Solanum melongena L) under filed conditions. The trial consists of four treatments (T1= 15, T2= 30, T3= 45 and control (T4) = 0 whiteflies/plot) replicated four times. The result revealed that all the parameters assessed are negatively affected by whitefly infestation with plants in treatment (T3) being most affected while those in T1 are least affected. The dry weight recorded least value (1.1 g/leaf) having the highest percentage reduction (69.11%) followed by leaf area with 152.5cm2 (48.83% reduction) while the number of leaves was least affected recording 50.3 leaves/plant (18.09% reduction) at 90 days after infestation in 2022 experiment. In 2023 experiment, similar results were recorded with plants in T3 being most affected. Dry weight of the leaves had the lowest value  (1.3g/leaf) representing the highest reduction (68.30%) followed by the  leaf area with 167.3cm2 (44.8% reduction) with the number of leaves also being least affected, recording 52.1 leaves/plant representing 9.40% reduction with plants in treatment T1,  at 90 days after infestation. The highest reduction in yield was also recorded with plants in T3 (92.10, 90.10%) while the least was observed in T1 (86.8 and 85.70%) for the respective trials (2022 and 2023). The result shows the level of susceptibility of the variety examined to whitefly infestation, demonstrating the urgent needs for the development of eco-friendly and sustainable whitefly management regimes for improved eggplant production in the area.

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Eggplant; Growth parameters; Whiteflies; Infestation; Leaf damage; Yield losses


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